Men – Thinning Hair? No Hair? No Style?
You no longer need to live that life!

Women – Thinning Hair? Flat No Life Hair?
You no longer need to live that life…


Hi, I’m Janine Rivera. I am your hair enhancement specialist at Davao Hair Studio in Milton Ga.
Give me 30 minutes of your valuable time and let me examine your specific need, understand your wants and expectations and show you how I can enhance your life by enhancing your hair!
Call 678-235-5471 to book your Free No Cost, No Obligation consultation. Weekend and evening appointments available.
These solutions are not wigs or toupees – they are state of the art non-surgical hair replacement systems.
Thinning Hair, No Hair, Thin Hair.. There is a hair enhancement system specifically for you.
Remember it’s not the product that makes the difference its the style, the cut, the service you get at Davao Hair Studio!
Enhance Your Hair
Enhance Your Look
Enhance Your Life